Monday, 27 February 2012


12 of the feedback sheets that we got back were 2 out of 3 stars. Most of our feedback that we had got was positive and made us feel as we have created something good. 9 out of the 12 thought that our title sequence that we had created had potential. The other 3 gave us 1 star, which means that we need to do a lot in order to please them. No one in the class had given us 3 stars but we did not expect 3 stars as we knew that we had more work to do and it was only our first draft that we were showing to the class.

Many people like the camera angles that we had used in our shots. The typography was well liked, also the idea of the titles to appear on the paper was a common good note to our film title sequence. Even though many people thought the paper idea was good we had thought that we could have shown it much better then what we had produced in that time. The also like the opening titles that we had done because it had created an enigma of who the character was? What and why he was doing, what ever he was doing?

The downfalls that people thought that we need to work on is make the transitions between the shots more smoother because they are rough cuts. Even though we had to change that we knew that we would have got that in our feedback. Some people did not like the typography that we had used but we have also changed that. Many people did not like that we only had one location, but we was only going to use one location in our title sequence. It would have made it look more effective but we only wanted to have one location. People were saying that the caste was not right so we had changed what we thought needed to be changed.