Tuesday 6 December 2011


The system of editing employed in narrative filmed is called continuity editing- its purpose is to create and provide efficent and artful transitions.

When editing and filming things you must never break the 180* line, if you do try not to show it in the sequence and film it again.

Take- The single shot that has been recorded.
Sequence- A series of related shots and scences forming a series of unit actions.
Cut- A change for one shot then move onto another.
Jump cut- An abrupt cut between shots in which  a notable jump in order or location is demostrated.
Fade- A means of closing or starting a scene with the image disappearing to black or fading from black.
Wipe- A transition form one scene to another where the new scene pushes or wipes off the old.
Dissolve- A transition where one scene fades out at the same time as the other fades in, one over the same. sometimes it can be called as cross fade.
Montage- An editing style which is consciously constructed to achieve a particular effect on an audience as opposed to the invisible editing.
Invisible editing- Cutting from one shot to another so that the viewer is unaware of the camera changes.
Cross cuttting- Cutting between two independent, different actions to show the relationship between the two.
Long take- A lenghty shot which is uncut.
Slow motion- Action on a screen at a rate slower than usual.
Shot reverse shot- Editing where the camera cuts between two interacting individuals. Frequently used in the over the shoulder shot.
Dubbing- The mixing and recording or a dialogue and various sounds being used.
Mixing- Combining different sound tracks into different music.
Eyeline match- The level at which a shot is taken representing the point of view of a average height person and creating a sequence.
Match on action- The matching of details, movement and dialogue from shot to shot to create an effective continuity.
Rhythm- The sense of movement between sequences.
180 Degree rule- A imaginary line that has been draw between to actors/ actresses to keep the camera on one side of the actions so when shots are edited toghether the persoective remains contant so the audience will not be confused.