Tuesday 6 December 2011

camera movement and camera shots

Pan-Means the camera can move left to right.
Crab- The camera can go sideways.
Tracking- The camera can only go fowards and backwards.
When you are creating a film and you are tracking do not zoom in or out whilst filming.
Ped up/down- Means the higher or lower the camera is.
Tilt up/down- How much you would like to tilt the camera down or up.

Camera angles-
Low angle shot- looking up at a character or object, often to instill the fear or awe in the audience.
Straight angle- a straight shot is an eye level shot from the person filming.
High angle- look downwards to make things look smaller.
Canted- is a side angle shot.
Worms eye- is as low as you can get to make things look huge.
Birds eye- very high shot establishing a lot of things in the air.
Extreme close up (ECU)- extreme close up is just the persons face.
Two shot- two people within the shot and above the waist.
Head and shoulders shot/ close up- anything above the shoulder and the face included.
Over the shoulder- a shot that has been taken over somebody's shoulder and shows someone else.
Mid shot- a shot that is above the hips.
3/4 shot- a shot that has been taken above the knees.
Medium long shot- a shot that has got everything in it but closed up.
Long shot- a shot that has everything in it.
Extra long shot- a shot that has been taken and makes the person look abit smaller.

Proximity- is a wide shot that is or has less emotion in it.
Closer images means that they have more emotion in them.